
How to open notification bar while using an app,game in Android

11:26 PM

In Android versions that are less than 4.4 i.e KitKat you can't open notification bar while playing a game or using an app that covers whole of the screen.This post is about opening notification bar while playing a game,using app.Its a simple process.Just follow the steps
  • Download KitKat Launcher Prime from HERE
  • Install it.
  • Open the KitKat launcher and if you like it,keep it as your default launcher or change to the previous launcher but first you have to open it.
  • You will notice that you'll see that when you will open the KitKat launcher there will be no notification bar.It is transparent.
                                 KitKat Launcher - screenshot
But when you will swipe down from top,notification bar will come.So while playing any game just swipe down and notification bar will come 
And if you continue using older launcher you will see the normal notification bar but still if you swipe down playing a game,notification bar will come down.

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